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IKONIC - The world's first NFT eSports & Pro-Gaming marketplace

  What is the IKONIC Platform? The IKONIC Platform is a software solution that will change the way we live. It’s a protocol that will connect people directly and securely so that they can communicate directly with each other. It’s a software platform that will connect people through social media, email, and other digital communication channels. It will make it easier for people to message each other and have conversations online, as well as for businesses to use remote work with limited damage to their facilities. It’s also a messaging platform that can help you map out your contacts’ needs and expectations and make appointments with them. How IKONIC Change The Way We Live A major initiative of the IKONIC platform is the creation of a blockchain-based platform that will power the platform. It will be used to manage all of the customer relationships and relationship management systems across the entire company. It will be used to manage complex business processes that have a lot of movi